Ugly Me
Ugly Me (2006)

Ugly Me

(50 votos)

In Santiago, Chile, the efficient architect Amanda finds that her boyfriend Pepe is cheating on her with her friend Fernanda.

Amanda threats them both with a shotgun, but is arrested and loses her job.

She travels to Valparaiso and decides to disguise as an ugly woman married with children to earn respect by the men.

Amanda is hired by Max to work at his company with the chauvinist wolf Marcelo; the dedicated but limited family man Guillermo; and the ambitious just graduated architect Karen.

Soon she proves to be very efficient and decides to give a lesson to Marcelo, seducing him posing as the sexy Helena.

Meanwhile Marcelo gets closer to Amanda that becomes his best female friend and advisor.

When Helena humiliates Marcelo, he changes his behavior and falls in love with Amanda.

And she also falls for him, but she is behind the eight ball with the situation she has created.

Meanwhile Karen hits on Marcelo that is emotionally vulnerable.




In Santiago, Chile, the efficient architect Amanda (Bárbara Mori) finds that her boyfriend Pepe (Felipe Camiroaga) is cheating on her with her friend Fernanda (Paz Bascuñan). Amanda threats them both with a shotgun, but is arrested and loses her job.

I was really impressed by many things in Pretendiendo. First: Barbara Mori's amazing transformation.

This Chilean take on the Ugly Betty meme features professional lingerie model Barbara Mori as Helena, an architect whose beauty and full figure mark her as a constant target for bird-dogging male chauvinist pigs. Tired of the relentless come-ons, Helena ups sticks from Santiago in favor of backwoods Valparaiso, where she disguises herself as plain-jane Amanda.

Wow this is a really nice movie....I'm Puerto Rican and its the first time i like a movie from Chile....

Wow, I hope this isn't the standard for South American romantic comedies. Amanda goes after her boyfriend and best friend with a shotgun for cheating and then ties her "love interest" to a bed in drag, threatens to cut off his man bits, and then calls the local reporters.
